Thursday, October 11, 2007

Back in the studio again!!

Well, Don and Zora are back in Kodiak - especially grateful to be away from the heat and smog of Philadelphia and breathing the clean cold air of the Island Terrific in the North Pacific (I didn't make up that phrase, it's from the Visitor's Bureau) Both of them returned energized by the interaction with other lampworkers - lots of pics of people working at the torch, lots of compliments - Zora for developing her talent at such a young age, and Dad for being a good teacher and chaperone. Plans are for attendance at next year's Female Flame-off at Revere in California. I'll get some photos up in the next couple of days. In the meantime, here's Pete the Piebald Seahorse.
His eyes are Momka's antique beauty, body is silver sands with blue metal over it and the fins are turquesa.

Don made him for a Ocean Bead challenge on LampworkEtc.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! :D -- love, the Mermaid

Mrs Fyrsmith said...

Hey, Mermaid,

stay tuned for more sea creatures :)